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Terms and Conditions 

Business Address: 225 W 24th St, New York, NY 10011

Business Phone: (212) 255-1235

Business Email:


Business Contract

This agreement is effective as of (date of agreement), between REVE & CO and REVE & CO from (dates of agreement). The parties hereby agree on the following terms and conditions.




REVE & CO hereby agrees to purchase the items below, supplied by (REVE & CO).


TERMS AND CONDITIONS - This contract agreement may be canceled with 60 days (or other terms) written notice. The period of this contract is (can be for a one-time purchase, or for monthly purchases for one year or more) from the effective date unless modified in writing 60 days in advance on any agreed delivery dates stated in the agreement.  The title and ownership of this agreement is non-transferable to any other party.


REVE & CO guarantees delivery of the quantities and items stated above in accordance with the terms and conditions stated in this agreement. REVE & CO hereby agrees to honor the firm-fixed prices stated above during the period of the contract agreement with no consideration for economic price adjustments (unless other terms are agreed upon).

CORPORATE COMMITMENT – By signing this agreement, REVE & CO hereby agrees to offer the expertise of its officers as advisors to REVE & CO. This mentoring will assist in the successful operations of REVE & CO, thus protecting your valued investment in our product.

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